Help your Student Reach their Potential
Your investment in excellent tutoring will make a tremendous contribution to your student's academic opportunities. Working with a tutor helps your student establish manageable goals and take responsibility for his or her own education. My services offer you the opportunity to be supportive without feeling caught in the middle. I will provide you with updates that allow you to track your student's progress, and I'm available to work with you and your student to minimize stress while maximizing results.
Choosing the right tutor is essential. I offer individualized, highly experienced tutorial direction that is unavailable in standard classes or from the hit-and-miss quality of many test preparation companies. Their high-turn over rate means that many of the fees they charge parents go toward training new employees and executive salaries, not working with students. I keep the number of students I work with small, so that each student gets the attention they deserve. I use the best materials available, not just the ones you'll find on the bookstore shelves.
Preparing for college can bring unnecessary stress to the home. Students are increasingly busy with extracurricular activities, athletics, AP tests, and volunteer work. Adding yet another thing to their schedule can be overwhelming for both you and them. But it doesn't have to be. Schedule an initial appointment and see how you can reduce the stress for both you and your student.
Parent of a young learner? Click here!